As we mark Green Jam’s second birthday, we reflect on the breadth of projects we have been involved in and look ahead to where we go next.
We have never courted publicity or had a strong social media presence. We chose to position ourselves as a guiding hand in the background of several FTSE 250 organisations. An independent voice supporting the innovators to plan their long-term transition to a low carbon future.
In public transport and waste, we have collaborated with central teams to determine the impact of carbon reduction plans on property portfolios, assessing the risks and opportunities this can create. In mining and construction, we explored the carbon content of products, creating practical tools and plans to measure and manage carbon reduction.
In retail, supporting the assessment of large fleet transitions to adopt lower or zero carbon technologies and the design of infrastructure and control systems to meet the needs of the operation. In public charging, working with systems and hardware engineers to provide design support for charging hubs whilst supporting acquisition teams assess the growth opportunities of their targets.
This year, the design concept work for fleets will turn to delivery, demonstrating the transition through lower emission fuels for some and zero emission infrastructure for others. Supporting them to select the right hardware, software, and renewable infrastructure to fit to their circumstances will be a key role for us. For those clients still understanding the emissions drivers of their business in detail, we will be conducting more property portfolio analysis to support strategic business planning. Moving to assessing the performance of flexibility trials for those clients further down the fleet electrification journey, this will be an exciting venture which will open up learning for our clients at the early planning stages.
The evolution of integrated energy models combining renewables, energy systems, storage, vehicles and the local grid is fascinating and accelerating. The electrification of LGV and passenger cars is gathering pace nicely whilst HGV demonstrators in BEV and Hydrogen Fuel Cell are emerging across Europe and the US. Our clients’ businesses will be impacted by many of these elements over the coming years and will be integral to meeting their carbon reduction targets. Being with like-minded folks, as part of the project teams that shape and deliver these carbon plans is the best part of our job.
We have exceeded our own expectations regarding the growth of Green Jam, and we thank our current clients and welcome our new relationships starting this year. We will continue to work hard to create significant value in your organisations and have a lot of fun along the way!